Cardiovascular Diagnostics

Welcome to the Cardiovascular Diagnostics Department

Cardiovascular Diagnostic Services

Various cardiovascular diagnostic services are offered at Monroe Surgical Hospital. The services include trans thoracic echocardiograms and stress echocardiograms. Our efficient lab is accredited with IACEL credentialing in echocardiography and stress echocardiography. Our licensed technologists have over 50 years combined experience in cardiac and vascular ultrasound.

Our services also include cardiac monitoring systems such as holter monitors and event monitors. Monroe Surgical Hospital’s studies are interpreted by our board-certified cardiologists and radiologists with supervising physicians approved by Medicare, who assist with the Quality Assurance program that documents standards of care for patients, technologists, and equipment that is utilized.

Final dictated reports and images are available to patients upon written request, and are automatically sent to the ordering physicians’ office once interpreted.